Starting from version 11g, Oracle introduced Oracle Multimedia (previously known as Oracle interMedia), a feature for storing images, audio, video and other multimedia data.
Oracle Multimedia introduced ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, ORDVideo, and SI_StillImage data types and method for:
- extracting metadata and attributes from multimedia content
- embedding metadata generated for other application into images
- embedding multimedia data from Oracle Multimedia, Web servers, file systems, and other servers
- editing and transforming images
We start creating a table for storing a TIFF image.
We also create a database directory to the path where we store the images to be loaded into the DB.
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY avt_img_dir as 'C:\Imagenes_Blog';
We instanciate an object ORDImage and we load the TIFF image in the table AVT_IMG.
-- ORDImage.init() INSERT INTO AVT_IMG VALUES(1,ORDImage.init()); COMMIT; -- Load the image DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDImage; ctx RAW(64) := NULL; BEGIN -- The import() method also sets the object properties by reading the image blob. select TIFF_IMG into obj from AVT_IMG where ID = 1 for update; obj.setSource('FILE', 'AVT_IMG_DIR', 'flowers.tif'); obj.import(ctx); update AVT_IMG set TIFF_IMG = obj where id = 1; commit; END; /
Using ORDSYS.ORDImage methods, we can read image properties:
DECLARE image ORDSYS.ORDImage; compression_format VARCHAR2(4000); img_height NUMBER; img_width NUMBER; content_size NUMBER; metav XMLSequenceType; properties_match BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Load the image into a variable SELECT TIFF_IMG INTO image FROM AVT_IMG WHERE ID=1; -- Check if properties are readable properties_match := image.checkProperties(); IF properties_match THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Check Properties succeeded'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Check Properties failed'); END IF; -- Read image properties compression_format := image.getCompressionFormat(); img_height := image.getHeight(); img_width := image.getWidth(); content_size := image.getContentLength(); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Compression Format: ' || compression_format); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Height: ' || img_height); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Width: ' || img_width); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Size: ' || content_size); COMMIT; END; /
The result is:
and it matches with the image we are using as an example.
Let's alter the table as follows:
ALTER TABLE AVT_IMG ADD (JPEG_IMG ORDSYS.ORDImage, TIFF_BLOB BLOB, JPEG_BLOB BLOB);for storing TIFF_IMG BLOB content (without metadata) and its copy in JPEG format.
The method getContent() extracts the image BLOB content.
UPDATE AVT_IMG SET TIFF_BLOB = ordsys.ordimage.getContent(TIFF_IMG); COMMIT;
To change the image format, for instance from TIFF to JPEG, we can use the method processCopy().
DECLARE imgTiff blob; imgJpeg blob; BEGIN UPDATE AVT_IMG SET JPEG_BLOB = empty_blob() RETURNING TIFF_BLOB, JPEG_BLOB INTO imgTiff, imgJpeg; -- processCopy() method gets the following parameters:
-- * Source file
-- * Parameter string
-- * Destination file
ordsys.ordimage.processCopy(imgTiff, 'fileformat=jpeg', imgJpeg); UPDATE AVT_IMG SET JPEG_BLOB = imgJpeg; COMMIT; END; /
We can convert between the following formats: BMPF, CALS,
If we want to create an ORDImage object from the JPEG_IMG BLO, this is the code:
UPDATE AVT_IMG SET JPEG_IMG = ordsys.ordimage(
JPEG_BLOB, null, null, null, sysdate, 1 ),
null, null, null, null, null, null, null );
The methods process() (that overwrites the source file) and processCopy() can perform more complex operations, as adjusting image contrast, scale or rotating the image. The following code performs a 90 degrees rotation.
DECLARE imgTiff blob; imgJpeg blob; BEGIN UPDATE AVT_IMG set JPEG_BLOB=JPEG_BLOB RETURNING JPEG_BLOB INTO imgJpeg; ordsys.ordimage.process(imgJpeg, 'rotate=90'); UPDATE AVT_IMG SET JPEG_BLOB = imgJpeg; COMMIT; END;
This is just a short demo of what Oracle Multimedia can do. For more info, see